December 23, 2011

Recipe: Hard-Boiled Eggs

Yep, this is going to be an overly-simple, most likely unnecessary recipe for hard-boiling eggs. I realize they're something almost everyone knows how to make, but they're so simple that I seem to forget how to make them every time I need to make my lizard's favorite food (I'm such a bad parent) or as breakfast snacks for my boyfriend (I'm such a bad girlfriend).


1. Cover however many eggs you're wanting to make in an appropriately sized pot, and fill it with water until they're covered completely.

2. Remove the eggs from the water, and set them aside. Don't let them roll off the counter and crack!

3. Over high heat, boil the water on until it's bubbling.

4. With a spoon or ladle, slowly ease the eggs one-by-one into the boiling water.

5. Reduce heat, and cover the pot to let the eggs simmer for about 10-15 minutes. (Note: Brown shelled eggs have thicker shells than white shelled eggs. This makes them harder to boil, but also more ideal for boiling because they are more crack-resistant.)

6. Cool them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, crack, peel, and feed them to your lizard! ..or yourself, but I think they're kinda gross. :(

December 13, 2011

About me

Hai! I'm Nikki, the creator of this lovely blog. I live in Portland, OR with my boyfriend (Andrew), kitty (Gary), and lizard (Slurp). I'm a full-time student majoring in Computer Information Systems and have a part-time job in retail (yay -_-).

 I've always loved to cook and learn new recipes. My mom was super good at it, and I guess the family trait just rubbed off on me. Cooking is pretty much something I know that I'll love doing forever. To be honest, I have no idea how my food turns out to be so delicious, because our smoke detector goes off at least 3 times a month due to kitchen-related adventures.. but, I guess that's just where my natural talent and/or awesomeness kicks in.

As for craftting, unlike most crafters, I actually haven't always been an artsy-kinda person. I've always appreciated unique and handmade things, but I never really thought I'd be good at it myself. I think my interest and passion to attempt at handmaking things began when I went to a local crafting market here in Downtown Portland. After I saw that you could create more functional and purposeful things than depressing paintings and other dumb things to hang on your wall, I got a sudden urge to make things of my own.

Anyway, I made this cooking blog to share my recipes with however many people decide to try them, to learn from others, and to have an easy way for myself to look back on all of the things I've made. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing it for you!
